Creating App Metadata for the App Store and Google Play

App metadata creation is crucial for improving your app's visibility in search results. By integrating the right keywords into your app’s description, you increase its chances of being found by potential users.

Let’s explore how to create metadata using ASOMobile to achieve maximum optimization efficiency.

Metadata for App Store Apps

ASO Creator Tool - metadata for iOS apps

ASO Creator is a tool that simplifies metadata creation for your app, allowing you to include as many relevant keywords as possible. Whether you're updating an existing app or adding a new one, ASO Creator streamlines the process.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Select an app or add a new one.
  2. Choose your platform (iOS) and target country.

Keyword Table
In the "Keywords" tab, you'll find your pre-built keyword list from the Keyword Monitor, tailored for the selected country. These keywords will help optimize your app's page, improving its search ranking by integrating them into your app description.

Editing Metadata
To the right, you can view and edit your app's current metadata. All changes are saved automatically, so you don't have to worry about losing your work.

Unique Words Tab
This tab helps you make the most of each keyword by identifying frequently used terms. By covering every aspect of your keyword strategy, you ensure complete optimization.

Localization (iOS Only)
ASO Creator allows you to manage metadata for multiple localizations, letting you switch between them easily and see how keywords are used in each version.

Keyword Generation (iOS Only)
You can also use the "Generate Keywords" feature to automatically create a list of keywords based on your semantic core. The system will remove duplicates and assemble a comprehensive list.

Useful Features for Metadata Creation

  • Keyword Progress Bar: Track how many keywords you've used with a progress bar that keeps you on target.
  • Description Comparison: Compare your new description with the current one to ensure you're improving visibility.
  • Tips and Keyword Checks: Get optimization tips below each field, and the system will highlight duplicate keywords in red, making it easy to fix errors.

Metadata for Google Play Apps

ASO Creator also supports the creation of metadata for Google Play apps. You’ll work with three fields:

  1. Title
  2. Short description
  3. Full description

For Google Play, the Full Description is indexable, meaning it plays a crucial role in your app's search ranking. The Text Analyzer tool is designed to help you optimize this section.

Text Analyzer: Your Best Friend for Google Play Descriptions

The Text Analyzer finds all search terms with traffic in any text, whether it’s a competitor’s description or user reviews. It checks your text for keyword density, character count, and keyword spam (overuse of terms that can negatively impact your ranking).

Here’s how to use the tool:

  1. Automatic Description Analysis: Select your app and country to auto-import the description, or manually paste any text.
  2. Analyze and Review Data: Click "Analyze," and ASOMobile will show all the traffic-driving search terms in the text.
  3. Keyword Spam Management: The tool identifies overused words and suggests removing duplicates to avoid penalties from Google Play’s algorithms.
  4. Keyword Sorting: Keywords are organized into tables by frequency, making it easy to spot high-traffic and low-traffic terms.
  5. Add to Keyword Monitor: You can add found keywords to the Keyword Monitor with one click for future use.

Current Description Update
You can refresh your app’s description at any time by clicking “Current Description.” This feature is handy when switching countries.

Final Thoughts on App Metadata Creation

By the end of this process, you’ll have app metadata that incorporates your pre-built keyword list while meeting the specific requirements of app stores. In addition, the next step allows you to analyze the intermediate ASO results and the app's performance (yours or your competitors').

Try creating your app metadata in ASOMobile for free today!

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