App Store localization, or how to maximize app indexing by a larger pool of keywords on the App Store.

How can I use App Store localization?

In addition to adapting your app to local markets in the App Store, you get an increase in the number of characters for keywords used in the metadata.

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App Store Localization, namely the use of additional locales, is one of the ASO specialists' life hacks to enhance metadata. It is with the help of localization that you can increase the number of search queries for your application.

Almost every country is indexed in several languages ​​at once. A striking example is a number of countries that, in addition to their “native” locale, have 2 more additional ones (hence the metadata can be extended by another +200 characters). Considering the features of the App Store ASO optimization, this is an opportunity to expand the semantics significantly.

For Spain, indexing takes place in addition to the Spanish language, also in English (Great Britain) and Catalan.
You can get acquainted with all the main and additional localizations in our table in the App Store localizations section.

Life hacks:

  1. Use an additional locale to increase the number of metadata searches.
  2. Use all available languages to expand the use of metadata only if your application is not localized for those countries. For example, if the app is adapted simultaneously for Russia and the UK, then it is incorrect to use UK as an additional locale for Russia.

Example: If your primary user market is the United States, but you are missing characters for all the keywords you need, you can use a secondary locale. Fill in the Spanish locale (Mexico) in English, and this will increase the pool of US English queries (Title, Subtitle, and Keywords) by 160 characters. But that is only if your application doesn't need or target Spanish-speaking users.

You can also do so with other localizations on the App Store, based on our table.

Remember that keywords are combined in only one locale (see infographic for details). This means that if you have “bricks” in the keywords in English (US) and “kids” in the Spanish (MX) locale, then you will not get indexing for “kids bricks” in the US.

Ignoring or not knowing about additional locales is included in the TOP ASO optimization mistakes and is sometimes encountered even by experienced specialists. Don't miss the opportunity to maximize your metadata usage to boost your app indexing.

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